So I have some soap boxes in my life I like to rant and rave about. Politics is one... American Idol is another. And with all the huff and puff going on about the judges saving Jessica Sanchez last night, my soap box has grown and I needed a place to rant and rave about it instead of scaring my poor husby to death. If you don't like Colton Dixon and are in love with Hollie Cavanagh, I wouldn't recommend reading my opinions.
So I love Idol and this season has been one of the best in my opinion, but I have soapboxes all the way through. First off, they brought back Germaine! What?!? I was so excited when he got kicked off! I had nicknamed him moo-moo because his voice was so low that on one song I couldn't understand what he was saying... He just sounded like he was mooing. And they brought him back! The week before he got kicked off the show for his warrants though I thought he was a little edgy so I wasn't at all surprised when he got the boot.
Then, top 24... why did the judges bring back Jeremy Rosado as a wildcard? Sure he was a sweet kid, but it was painfully obvious that he wasn't going to make it far. I predicted he would be the first one to go and he was. No big shocker there, but why didn't they choose to wildcard someone with a little more talent like Jen Hirsh or something?
DeAndre is another one that has had me on edge. I could never understand why the judges loved him so much. I mean, who wants to listen to a man who sounds like a girl all the time? One of his performances was so bad that it caused my physical pain... I was literally going into convulsions on my couch. I am so glad he is gone. It is just better overall for America's health. Personally, I would rather kill 10 black widows then listen to a whole album by him, and that is saying something! I know when I go watch the tour and it is his turn to perform, that will be the point in the concert when I will go get my popcorn.
As far as the top seven goes, they are exactly who I predicted they would be. Talls and I made a bet with the top 13 and we made lists of how we thought they would get kicked off so I predicted the top 7 right. From here for me it goes...
Hollie Cavanagh
Phillip Phillips
Elise Testone
Colton Dixon
Joshua Ledel
Skylar Laine
Jessica Sanchez
Looking back I wish that I would have done the top 4 a little differently, but I believe in the next 3 I have going home. Hollie no longer deserves to be there no matter what anyone else has to say. Between her and Jessica, I don't think she has a chance. They are both power singers, but singing to Jessica is like breathing. For Hollie, she over thinks everything. She doesn't connect with the audience because she is too worried about her performance being technically correct... and a lot of the time, that pushes her off pitch and it's just terrible. I can't wait for her to go home.
As for Phillip Phillips, he has always been in the middle for me, but with every week that passes he works his way to the bottom. He is just getting way too boring for me, but I don't really have anything bad to say about him... nothing good either. He's just there.
Elise Testone... She has an incredible and unique voice and I don't think she gets enough credit for it. The thing with her though is song choice. If she picks the right song for her voice (think Whole Lotta Love) she is incredible! If she doesn't pick the right song (I Wanna Know What Love Is), then it's a complete mess. On her good nights though, she is definitely one of my faves.
Colton Dixon... He is my absolute favorite contestant ever to be on the show. I am completely in love with him and will be first in line to buy his album when it comes out. He could do absolutely nothing wrong in my eyes and for me it doesn't matter whether he wins or not... he is my American Idol. But again, I don't think he receives enough credit for his talent. I think he is the most relevant contestant on the show and will find the most success once all is said and done. The only exception to that would be Skylar... but we will get to that in a minute.
Joshua Ledel... I am not a gospel fan right up front. So what he can do all those crazy runs? He does them every week! Show me something different! Show me that you don't have to do all those vocal fireworks and that they aren't a crutch for you. Show me that you don't have to shake your hands like your having some kind of religious revival. Just show me something that can prove to me you can be a relevant artist today! I did however like the Bruno Mars song he did and I will recognize that he has a good power voice, but I don't really fall for those tricks like other people do.
Skylar Laine... I really really enjoy her and think she will go on to do well in the area of country music. She is entertaining to watch and I like how she relates to every song she does. She can sing the high powerful ballads, but she can also act her age and be young and playful with her songs. I don't know how far she will make it, but again I think she is a very marketable artist and will do well no matter what happens.
Jessica Sanchez... This girl has a great set of pipes and I couldn't agree more with Steven Tyler when he said, "When God gave out vocal cords, you were so at the front of the line." This girl has got talent and the most amazing part is that she is only 16! Again, she trumps her counterpart Hollie in every single way. Singing for her is more natural, she has incredible control, and great composure and poise. She isn't my favorite but I totally stand behind the judges decision to use their save on her. I fully believe that she has the most vocal talent this year and deserves to make it to the top. I may not buy her album, but that's only because I think she would do a different genre than I like. I do think one thing she could do better is have more self confidence. I don't think she realizes just how good she is, but once she does she will be able to put an irresistible confidence into her songs and performances that will give her the edge she needs.
So there you go. My opinions, rants, and raves on this years American Idol. If you don't agree, don't worry about arguing with me. I am alone in my family on most of my opinions, but I will not crumble! And I don't care if you agree with me either because I know what I like in my music choices and that is it.
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