We finally got our bridal pictures and they were so worth the wait! Here are some of my very favorite! Thanks goes to the amazing Abbey Kyhl of AK Studio & Design for taking them for us!
Also, I have been busy blog stalking and have come across a cute little idea called thirty days of posts. Basically the concept is to post a blog every day about you and there are categories for every day. Here is the list that I have found...
1) Your Favorite Song
2) Your Favorite Movie
3) Your Favorite Book
4) Your Favorite TV Show
5) Your Favorite Quote
6) Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
7) A Photo That Makes You Happy
8) A Photo That Makes You Sad
9) A Photo You Took
10) A Photo Of You Taken Over 10 Years Ago
11) A Photo Of You Taken Recently
12) Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
13) A Fictional Book
14) A Non-fictional Book
15) Favorite Game
16) A Song That Makes You Cry (or nearly)
17) An Art Piece (painting, drawing, sculpture etc.)
18) Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
19) A Talent Of Yours
20) A Hobby Of Yours
21) A Recipe
22) A Website
23) A You Tube Video
24) Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
25) Your Day, In Great Detail
26) Your Week, In Great Detail
27) This Month, In Great Detail
28) This Year, In Great Detail
29) Hopes, Dreams, Plans For Next 365 Days
30) Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Let the blogging begin!