Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Special Post for Matt

First off, to explain the title of this post, Talls's daddy is currently in the hospital and Talls asked if I would print off some blog entries to take to him to maybe entertain him for a bit. I was looking through the old blog and I realized I haven't posted since August! How incredibly sad is that! So I thought that maybe I should update and put up some stories that Talls's dad might enjoy reading.

Story #1 - This occurred last Sunday night. We were getting ready to have our scripture study when Talls was updating his planner. I asked if I could see his schedule just to know what my Monday was going to be looking like when he got all defensive about it. Turns out that he had written down ideas on what he wanted to get me for Christmas and refused to let me see the list for some odd reason. I tried everything I knew how to get that list from him. When he said he wanted to burn it, I confiscated our lighters. Then I protected the trash when he wanted to throw it away. Finally, it came down to me chasing him down the street yelling, "Come back here! There are rocks and I don't have a bra on!" and him running away yelling, "Get away from me you crazy woman!" May I just mention that we were in our PJ's and neither of us was wearing shoes? Well finally, I gave up and went back to the house (seeing as we had also left the door open in our chase). Unfortunately, he got there first and locked me out until he had sufficiently torn the list up into little tiny pieces and buried them in the trash can. We were then able to get on with our scripture study, but not before I tried to dig through the trash first :)

Story #2 - Last Tuesday (the day before Thanksgiving), Talls and I decided to go support our institute teacher by going to his night class. We have an LDS History class from him on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and he had mentioned how worried he was that no one would show up to his class on Tuesday night so we decided to go and support. The lesson was amazing and yada yada yada... However, the good part of this story comes after class. Talls went and sat down at the piano and asked me to sing to him. He then proceeded to play the song Someone Like You by Adele and when I didn't sing he decided to just do it himself... except he was joking around and sang it totally off tune. I had been talking to Brother Barret and the second he heard Talls start to sing, he flipped his head toward the piano and a look of complete and utter terror crossed his face. He then looked back at me with an expression that looked a little bit like, "What was that?" and I just busted up laughing. It was the funniest, most candid reaction I have ever seen from an institute teacher! He did feel a little bit better when he knew Talls wasn't actually serious. Then yesterday, the plot thickened. We were at institute talking about the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. We were talking about the hymn A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and Brother Barrett asked someone to read (or sing) verse 6. Talls volunteered us to sing it, but Brother Barrett just looked at him and was like, "Please, no. Not like last time." Talls and I cracked up laughing like lunatics and since no one else from our class was there that night, they probably thought we were crazy too.

Story #3 - The last story is just kind of a sweet one. About a week and a half ago, there was a fall formal put on by the institute. Talls really wanted to go, but there was one small problem. No married people allowed! And plus, I hate dances. Well the same night of that formal just happened to be my turn to plan date night and so even though I wanted to go to the ballroom dance performance or perhaps even to Happy Feet 2, I decided to be sweet and created a Johnson Fall Formal instead. First of all, I locked the door on him so he couldn't come in when he got home from work. When I answered the door, I made him close his eyes and guided him to our room where I had laid out on our bed a nice shirt and tie combo with an 'official' ticket to our formal. I made him stay there while I finished my preparations of dressing up in a nice skirt, finishing our relatively fancy dinner put on paper plates because no real dance ever has the funds to afford nice china, making a customized playlist for the dance part of our date, and creating a homemade sign to put on our wall that said, "Johnson Fall Formal." When all the preparations were made, I brought him out although not before I thoroughly examined his ticket cuz ya know... he could have forged it or been trying to sneak into the dance illegally :) Then we had a nice dinner with romantic background music that is special to us then danced to a couple of songs that I had specially planned out to end on a slow dance to Marry Me by Train which is the song he used to propose to me with. I think that date meant a lot to Talls and he still hasn't allowed me to take down the Johnson Fall Formal sign.

So there you have it. There is an update of my blog after 3 months and some nice stories to do it with. Hopefully I will be able to remedy my relationship with this said blog and get into a somewhat regular blogging habit... Easier said than done.

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